Thursday, May 27, 2010

Another Damian moment and Brayden update

God is good, God is great, let us spank him for our food...AMEN! I kept trying to tell him the correct way, but he kept wanting to put the words all together. Absolutely Hysterical!

Brayden is cracking us up too. He is such a happy baby, his new favorite thing when you are not paying attention is his rapsberries, which he does so hard that he will scare himself. He loves to laugh and be tickled.

I have the BEST boys in the world. I could not ask for a better family!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Damian and his one liners

We went to the grocery store as a family yesterday and Damian comes over to me. He says Mommy can you do me a favor? A favor? Yeah a favor, come over here with me I want to show you something. He wanted to "show" me a stuffed animal ("Show" meaning Mommy will you get this for me)

Then he picks out the snacks he wants he is trying to be helpful by putting things on the conveyor belt for me, but he really is just holding up everything. After the last ten things, I finally said here give it to me and took it out of his hand, he turned to me and said "that is not cool mommy, you took that out of my hands". Yes he was right, but that was too funny, my three almost four year old just telling me like it is!

My First Time

I am joinging the rest of the world by documenting the lives of my boys through a blog -- Ricky my husband, Damian my big boy, Brayden my baby and of course myself.

We shall see where this goes, I am not sure if I will keep up (I hope that I do) and if anybody is even interested...LOL! But, I can never remember things I always promised I would never forget, so now I am writing it down! Wish me luck!